This webpage delivers detailed information for immigrants and refugees
about the subject of asylum. Under Kontakt, an extensive address
database to lawyers and important organisations can be found. Click on
the hyperlink Informationen under Ehen and an information
text from the IAF Frankfurt about binational marriages can be found.
First information for refugees
This homepage delivers important hints to asylum-seekers in various languages.
Forum für binationale Paare und Familien in Deutschland
The "Forum for binational couples and families in Germany" serves
to inform and exchange experiences. This homepage offers an online-forum
about written laws as well as important addresses and links.
Informationsverbund Asyl/ZDWF e.V.
The "Informationsverbund Asyl" ("Information Association
Asylum") in Bonn is an amalgamation of organisations that are active
in refugee work. The joint goal is to provide access to information which
is relevant in advisory practises. A magazine ("Asylmagazin")
which is issued ten times a year, gives information about foreigners rights
and advisory practises. In the third issue of the "Asylmagazin"
from 2002 written in the section Aus der Beratungspraxis is the
article "Eheschließung von Flüchtlingen" ("Marriage
of Refugees"). Here the reproach of "fake marriage" among
other things is clarified.
Kanak Attak
The Group "Kanak Attak" advocates for the rights of people who
live in Germany without a German passport. On the webpage, the political
backgrounds of racism and illegalization of immigrants are examined and
attacked. The subject of binational marriages can also be found on the
site. "Der kleine Heiratsratgeber" ("The little marriage
councelor") in Infopool gives informationin detail.
Lesben- und Schwulenverband in Deutschland (LSVD)
The largest civil rights, self-help and welfare organisation for lesbians
and gays in Germany also gives information about the legal questions of
same sex binational couples. Under Recht you can click on Ausländerrecht
(foreigners rights) and Ratgeber zum Lebenspartnerschaftsgesetz
(advice on life-partnership laws).
Pro Asyl
The human rights organisation "Pro Asyl" from Frankfurt/Main
advocates the concerns of refugees and immigrants. The webpage offers
information ranging from asylum rights to refugee information centers.
Under the handbook
"Recht für Flüchtlinge - ein Leitfaden durch das Asyl-
und Ausländerrecht für die Praxis" ("Rights for refugees
- a guide through asylum and foreigners rights") by Hubert Heinold,
is available
Verband binationaler Familien und Partnerschaften, iaf e.V
This organisation represents the interests of binational families and
couples and works towards the social and legal equality of people regardless
of their skin colour and cultural origins. A further focal point lies
in advising men and women with all questions regarding binational relationships.
Under wer wir sind (who we are) you can find under regionalstellen
a list with regional information centres. Under infos für ratsuchende
(information for advice seekers) the points binational eheschließung
(marriage) and aufenthalt (right of stay) of immigrants can be
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